Monday, November 25, 2013

"At age 55, I knew deep down that I felt lousy."

The Dwelling Place

                      by Beth Acanfora 

      “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you,
which you have from God?  You are not your own; you were bought with a price. 
So glorify God in your body.”                                      1 Corinthians 6:19-20

    It’s actually rather funny that I became an RN when you consider the family upbringing that I originated from.  I happen to come from a long family line of people who did not go to the doctor unless they were half dead.  You may laugh, but I am not kidding.  My brother Chris says our family saves a bundle on long term health care insurance because nobody lives long enough to need it!  And yes, if you must know, I am a doctor avoider.  I only go for yearly preventative checkups and make those as short and painless as possible, and if truth be told, I would much rather take care of other people’s health issues than my own. Avoidance is often times the most convenient option.  Couple that with the idea that I believe I am already a very healthy person who never needs a doctor and you’re looking straight at that great big river in Egypt called d’Nile.

     Yes, denial can tell us a lot of things we want to believe.  But at age 55, I knew deep down that I felt lousy.  Peri-menopause had been beating my door down for five years and I was experiencing all manner of discomfort; the worst being breast tenderness.  Now I am not talking about a little soreness each month, I am telling you I didn’t even want to breathe on my breasts, let alone let my husband come anywhere near them!  One time he inadvertently brushed up against my chest and I actually winced and recoiled from him with the shock of it.  That was the one issue I had brought up repeatedly at my once a year 15 minute session with my GYN.  What can I do about this blasted breast tenderness?  I tried cutting out caffeine, progesterone cream from the health food store that was ridiculously expensive, and numerous other fix-it-and-be-done-with-it measures.  I asked every woman I knew if they had ever experienced this kind of issue, but it seemed as though I was the only one.  Now, I know for absolute sure that I am not the only female on the planet that has experienced this discomfort, so I am writing to any poor, lonely soul who is shielding her breasts for more than three out of four weeks per month from society. I know you are out there needing this information.

      As an aside, I also need to tell you that my sweet Mother, who is long deceased, made homemade dessert every single day of our lives while we were growing up.  Now I am talking serious desserts here.  I must tell you, we lived in upstate NY, right in the heart of dairy country and we had our own huge garden.  Mom  made berry pies from our home grown raspberries and blueberries, apple dumplings with maple syrup drizzled on them, hand churned ice cream with heavy cream she got from our local creamery and fresh strawberries...this, just to name a few.  Every year on our birthdays my Mom would make our favorite cake.  Mine was Red Velvet- with the four layers and that wonderful thick, creamy white icing that was so smooth.  To this day, I will not eat anyone else’s Red Velvet Cake.  Nobody can make it like she did. 

    So you can see where I am coming from when I tell you I love sweets.  It’s not just the actual taste of the sweets, but the comfort derived from them.  There is nothing like a homemade chocolate chip cookie to make your day worthwhile.  It’s just a good thing I never worked in a bakery because I would weigh 500 lbs!

      Needless to say, as I grew older, my waistline began to expand.  Now I am not obese, and many people would say I looked good, but at the end of the day, when the clothing came off, I was witness to the bulges that were appearing in odd places.  Like my armpits, for instance.  I never knew you could store fat in your armpits!  Really??  And let’s not even talk about beachwear.  It was not a pretty site and you know something is not right when you never take off your cover up.  Gone were the days that I could eat anything I wanted and stay slim. 

     Which brings me, finally to Shaklee 180.  I noticed a friend of mine had lost a whole bunch of weight, and asked her how she did it.  Simple as that, she referred me to Becky O’Brien who is a Shaklee consultant and nutritional coach.  After giving Becky my laundry list of health concerns, she simply said, “Beth, I am sure Shaklee can help you with your weight issues and hormonal imbalances as you go through menopause.  You will also benefit as your body receives the nutrition it is screaming for and cut out your cravings for high sugar foods. You will lose the fat while keeping your muscle mass.”  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.  Literally. nothing had worked for me to take weight off while retaining what little sanity I still had left. Until Shaklee 180.

     As a nurse, you would think I would have understood our bodies’ need for a healthy, balanced diet.  I would say I knew it in theory and could teach it to my pregnant patients, but I did not know it in practice.  I had gotten into some very bad habits from years of working 12 hour nights; including round the clock coffee and Coke intake, taking benadryl to fall asleep, and eating lot’s and lot’s of pasta with my wonderful Italian husband who is a fabulous chef!

     In the past five weeks, Shaklee has taken me from a victim mentality with regard to food, to understanding how our food choices affect our entire being.  I thought I was eating pretty well. Really, we always have fresh veggies and fruit and organic meats, but I was blinded to the entire picture that God wanted me to see.  Food, of course is there for our bodies’ nutritional needs and for our enjoyment, but we must be good stewards when it comes to food choices and the amount we consume.  When we don’t make good choices, our bodies certainly tell us loud and clear.  I have experienced ZERO breast tenderness since starting the Shaklee 180 program 5 weeks ago.  I went out the other day and bought new dress pants a whole size smaller and I am feeling wonderful!  I am simply not hungry and I had a molasses sugar cookie sitting in a snack bag on my counter for a solid week!  I kid you not...I gave it away.  I am learning to eat raw veggies with hummus instead of candy and pretzels and my body is loving it! 

    Now the other thing I had an issue with is water.  Believe it or not I NEVER drank water.  I didn’t like water because it wasn’t sweet!  But as I have flushed my system out with oodles and oodles of water, I find I have way more energy and acuteness of the mind than when I was consuming Coke and lemonade.  I just don’t have it in the house anymore.  Not even diet soda. I am learning to cope with finding the bathroom in every store I shop in upon my arrival because I know I am going to need it!  I asked Becky the first week on Shaklee if there is a diuretic in it!  She just laughed and said “No!” as I described my199 trips to the ladies room per day! 

    As a priest’s wife, I will tell you I am much more able to cope with the daily stresses my husband and I face together because I simply feel so much healthier on Shaklee.  And as Paul in 1 Corinthians questions us so aptly, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit?”  I can honestly say, Paul, I do now!!!  I get it!!  I have to steward my body because it is a place of God's dwelling.  It is holy to Him, so by obedience it must be for me as well.  It’s the only way to live.  The only way that makes any sense.  I was bought with a price and that means everything to me.      

       Please schedule your complimentary wellness consult with Becky O’Brien at her office: 703-367-7109 or cell number 703-217-5393 or contact her at    It will be the best call you’ve ever made! 

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Numbers don’t lie 

All during my life I was told that numbers don’t lie. The number that recently hurt the most, because it is always true, is the number on the scale. After my baby boy was born in December 2011 and breastfeeding was finished 10 months later, it was time to get healthy. It took me 7 months to make up my mind to do something about it but once that decision was made…look out. Becky O’Brien and Shaklee 180 gave me the tools to get healthy and not to be afraid to talk about numbers.

So here are some numbers over the past 5 years…I will let them speak for themselves. 

2008       Married at 160 lbs; wore size 10

2009       Moved to VA from CA at 165 lbs

2010       Met with Becky O’Brien to figure out why my stomach hurt so much

                Started taking daily: 1 optiflora, 2 vitea-lea, 20 alfalfa

2011       Got pregnant at 170 lbs

                Delivered at 205 lbs

2012       Breastfed and got down to 175 lbs; wore size 12

2013       Began eating healthy and got down to 165 lbs; wore size 12

2013       April; disappointed and depressed…the weight did not come off anymore

                May 5th; Attended a Shaklee event and was motivated by a 180 success story

                May 6th; Ordered my Shaklee180 Turnaround kit 

                May 9th; Began my 180 turnaround adventure at 165.2 lbs; wore size 12

   I went from a pant size 12/14 to a 6/8

   I dropped from a 38 C to a 34 D bra size

   Size large shirts don’t feel good anymore…they are too big and bulky.

   I wore a 2-piece bathing suit for the 1st time in 2 years in July! 
   August 17; Celebrated my 5th anniversary weighing five pounds LESS than I did on my
   wedding day!

   Am I done…nope…am I doing 180 at full-blown speed…nope. I am doing what I need to do to maintain my weight, loose a little each week and stay in a size 8 pant and a 2-piece bathing suit.  

Why…because the numbers above make my body look good, my mental state feels good and not having to lie to myself about what size I wear…wonderful! Oh and the number on the scale staring back at me every 2 weeks only makes it more rewarding.
Ginny Beers


Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Visible Transformation!

Hello All!
     Rachael Ziller is a wonderful distributor on my Shaklee team in North Carolina.  She recently posted the following message and attached photos on her Facebook page.
     I asked her permission to share it with you.  She said yes and then attached a P.S. below (in red letters) to the message.
     Well done Rachael!  Thanks for sharing.

I've KNOWN all along what I'm supposed to be doing to be's my JOB, for goodness sake! But, I wasn't ready "mentally" to eat right, give up the "junk" food, exercise, blah, blah, blah - can I get an AMEN!

Well, that's all changed. My journey actually began shortly before I got pregnant with Niki (see what happened DURING pregnancy with Shaklee 180 and exercise in the picture), and I'm continuing to transform as we speak.  I'm doing a Shaklee 180...and you're invited to join me!

Shaklee = REAL science (peer-reviewed studies that "cost too much" for other companies to spend). 100% guaranteed...results, performance, purity, safety, efficacy, science & satisfaction! Who else can guarantee all that?! Shaklee 180 - NOT a fad, NO artificial or harmful ingredients...ever, NOT some "new" company jumping on the bandwagon or the next "best thing." Just close to 6 decades of integrity and heritage.

P.S. If you would like to share some details (they’re kind of a big deal to me :-0):

bathing suit picture...size 18 (sadly not my heaviest...that was about 10 pounds more and another size up, but no pics available - I made it a common practice to hide from the camera); 40 weeks pregnant picture...size 14; currently...size 10. See, transforming! :-) 


Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Burn Healed Overnight!

Becky, a knuckle got blasted again last nite w/ oil. I quickly water dipped then sprayed it w/ Basic H. Today there is just a very tiny pimple of a blister. Amazing! Thx to you and Shaklee!!!!  Kim B.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Need to sleep better?

Hi Becky, 

Becky,  I've slept better the last few days than anytime since I got sick a year ago.  Something is working. Thank you for your guidance and prayers. 

Happy Easter,


Want Less Pain, More Energy?

Hey, Becky!

Just wanted to give you a progress report!  :)

My knees are almost 100% pain free!  I have been taking 3 Joint Health Complex tablets instead of the 2, tho...I'm going to start working out again and really put it to the test..

And I'm feeling a difference taking the B Complex .....I feel really good...Not bouncing off the walls, but normal, good energy to get me through the day without wanting/needing a nap.
I love it. .... in general, I'm calm but with good energy....hard to explain, but I think you know what I'm talking about...

Thanks again!!!  I'll definitely be ordering more...

Have a great week!


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Trish's Story

My Shaklee 180 Story:
Before picture (left) - end of Jan 2013
After picture (right) - end of March 2013
In 2 mos I lost 12 pounds and 4 inches and I have kept it off. I haven't been at this weight in almost 20 yrs! I also had to go shopping for a size smaller jeans (nice problem to have). If you would more info about how I did this, and how Shaklee 180 works, message me for more info. Love my Shaklee 180!
feeling happy.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Kellie's Story

Anyone who meets Kellie instantly likes her.  She is a treasure! 
It is a sincere blessing to me that Shaklee has helped to change her life.
Enjoy her story.

My Shaklee Story

When I was first introduced to Shaklee, I was only interested in trying a sampling of the product lines.  I was getting ready to be married, moving back to my home town of Arlington Virginia, and also hoping to start a family of my own, so I wanted to be as healthy as possible. 

 Here is what happened.  I lost 12 pounds in a short time, and never again suffered from coughing, headaches, or having to deal with holding my breath while cleaning my home. I also have more energy, and I’m able to handle the multitasking of being a wife to an amazing husband, (Jon) a new mom to one special little boy (Stephen), and the caretaker of my home and sweet dog Charlie.  With all of these wonderful new changes in my life, I enjoyed the results of Shaklee so much that I decided it would be best to share it with others and start my own Shaklee business.   It’s like referring someone to a good restaurant or store, but you can have a business of your own by sharing and you get the opportunity to help others along their journey to better health.  The Shaklee name is well respected and the products, so effective, that the average customer is 14-17 years!  But the best part of my Shaklee journey is meeting wonderful people who are in a position for a positive change.  They see a problem and they want a solution but they don’t want to deal with side effects and they put their trust in Shaklee.  

 These days, we are overwhelmed with products that are labeled green and natural and it gets very confusing when it comes down to the stress of reading labels and not knowing what you are really buying.  So many people are now standing behind the integrity of the Shaklee name and the quality and safety of their products.   I’ll just name a few who you may recognize:  Dr. Oz, Oprah, Gweneth Paltrow, Rachel Ray, Jacqui McCoy from Extreme Makeover, Harley Pasternak, a celebrity trainer, and our US Astronaut, Mark Kelly.  Yes, Shaklee products were used in outer space!  In addition, a long list of Gold Medal Olympians depend on Shaklee to better their performance as well!  The more I researched this company for my own peace of mind, the more I believed it was the best for my own family’s well-being and a great company name to recommend.

And now I see Shaklee as a gift I can give to others because I know it is all for good.

Friday, April 19, 2013

IBS Relief after 18 years of pain!

Hi! My name is Ruth Randle. I am 63 years old, and until a year or so ago had suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (diarrhea-based) since the age of 18 (undiagnosed). It always began with severe abdominal pain and bloating, which continued for several hours, ultimately ending with massive diarrhea -- after which I immediately felt better. It had gotten worse in recent years, to the point where the pain was so bad, the only thing I could do was try to sleep through it. I would sometimes have 2 or 3 attacks a week. A year or so ago, I had a colonoscopy and esophagoduodenoscopy (EGD) and was finally diagnosed with IBS -- the mystery of all those years of agony was solved at last!  

A friend from church suggested that I try Shaklee's Optiflora, the two-product "pre- and pro-biotic" combination. Within a couple of weeks, my attacks started getting less and less frequent, until they stopped entirely! I finished the 30 day supply, and bought another package "just to have" in case of a recurrence.

When I went back to the gastroenterologist for follow-up, I took the botttles with me and told him what had happened. He said that there was indeed research being done on the "intestinal flora" type of treatment like Shaklee's Optiflora, with some positive results, and he took down all the information from the labels to share with his colleagues.  

I have had perhaps 2 attacks in the past year or more, and they were of much shorter duration, and much less intense. (One episode was after I had been on antibiotics for a bad upper respiratory infection, probably killing off my normal intestinal bacteria.) I took the Optiflora for a week after each incident -- and I still have a 2 week supply in reserve, "just in case".  I'm sold on Shaklee!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Acute Lyme's Disease

Personal Shaklee Testimony by Debbie Bankert 
For over a decade, Becky O’Brien of Optimal Wellness has been among my dearest and closest friends.  I have watched her minister to many people showing love, concern and knowledge that excels.  Not only is she a great diagnostician but a health specialist who is equally gifted in the knowledge of natural supplements. Becky researches symptoms and related illnesses aligning them with Shaklee supplements which aide the body’s natural healing process.
In June of 2012, I was diagnosed with Lyme’s Disease and Becky immediately went to work.  She researched what had been successful in documented cases; spoke with people who were infected with Lyme’s to determine their path of healing and recommended physicians who specialized in the treatment of Lyme’s.  Becky developed a personalized supplement schedule that would keep my body in the position to fight.  She introduced me to a Biblical Health Counselor who immediately recommended organic and natural foods to be included in my diet. 
I made an appointment with a doctor Becky recommended and was diagnosed with an acute case.  With a regimen of antibiotics and natural supplements, I made wonderful strides towards healing.  Most Lyme’s victims with acute cases can expect a 2 year recovery period or longer. Late in 2012, I showed signs of marked improvement. My doctor stated that whatever I was doing to continue it as she was amazed at my progress.
It is now March, 2013 and my doctor is in the process of weaning me off four antibiotics. With my continued path of healing, it has been over a month since I have felt any symptoms from Lyme’s. I am so very grateful to Becky. If she had not intervened, no doubt I would have been hospitalized as the majority of general practitioners are not extensively trained in Lyme’s and/or co-infections. My story would have been vastly different and I thank Becky for saving not only the quality of my life but possibly my life as well.
With the highest of recommendation, I support Becky and her business. Her ministry is of the highest regards and professionalism. Most of all, Becky has a great love for people and a desire to help with various health problems. Through her Shaklee business, Becky is living her God-given destiny.





Wednesday, March 27, 2013

PAIN RELIEF: Spinal Stenosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis in Hands-Neck-Shoulder-Back & Knees

1st a brief explanation of my condition: I have Spinal Stenosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis in my Hands-Neck-Shoulder-Back and Knees. 

I have had this condition for several years with no relief in sight. And as my condition worsened, I could no longer do everything I used to do, gardening for one and handyman services. 

So Carmella ran into me at the Senior Center and saw me with my Hand Braces and asked how I was feeling so I proceeded to tell her all of the above.
I started Vivix and Vitalizer for Men three weeks ago just before Christmas 2011.
Well after three weeks on Vitalizer and Vivix, all of my ailments are almost completely gone.  I noticed this about a week ago wondering why I had no Pain in my neck and the RA in my Hands is almost completely gone I can drive my Car with no pain in my Hand and do all the things not possible before.  

My Shoulders, Back,Neck, hands and knees are most completely Pain free. Vunderbar. 

I was able to make my Bed with NO Pain, I was able to Vacuum my Apartment with NO pain, I was able to shampoo my Rug (three rooms) NO Pain. I am feeling more alert with more energy to do things than I have in a long time.  

The next test is Walking, I used to walk ten miles every day for twenty years  now I am only able to walk two or three. I hope to get up to at leasy five miles daily.  I have always been very active and this will continue. 

God bless,

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Multiple Sclerosis story: "I don't know where I'd be without them!"

I have always been a very active, healthy person, but after 10 years of raising my 3 boys on my own and working a busy job in sales, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at the age of 50.  The diagnosis was devastating - all my future plans seemed to vanish overnight, my future was unknown.  There was no more planning, no more dreaming - all I could do was live day to day, and was completely consumed with fighting the disease and healing my body.  I had to inject myself daily with an MS drug therapy that felt like a shot of poison.  I walked every day.  I took up yoga.  I did reiki.  I ate only low-fat meats, fruits and vegetables.  I cut out all sugar, white flour and unhealthy fats.  And I consulted with Becky O'Brien, my Shaklee advisor.  She put me on the Vitalizer pack, The Energizing Soy Protein Drink Mix, large doses of Vitamins D3, B-Complex, and OmegaGuard fish oil.  I allowed myself to rest a lot and cut my hours back at work.  It is now almost 5 years later.  I am happy to say that I am virtually symptom free!  I stopped taking the MS daily injection over a year ago and I rely only on my Shaklee supplements, rest, exercise and good, healthy, clean foods.  I truly believe that my Shaklee supplements played a huge role in my recovery.  They provided the necessary nutrition that my body needed in order to heal.  I DON'T KNOW WHERE I'D BE WITHOUT THEM!  Kathy

Sunday, March 17, 2013

You name it! Low Energy, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Pre-Diabetes, Brittle Nails & Hair!!

It is my pleasure to disclose how Shaklee products have affected my health and home life.  I have been using Shaklee products for several years.  I have felt so much more energy throughout the day and, feeling better for me means I take better care of myself.  I have been able to stop taking blood pressure medication I took for more than ten years.  I feel Shaklee products have benefited me so much that I actually don't have to take ANY prescription medication at all!  Early on, my lab work a year ago showed improvement and I'm looking forward to even better results later this summer!  Shaklee has this domino effect on me!  My skin and nails have improved, and my hair is less dry and brittle.  I have used the safe Enfuselle face products and I believe that they have helped maintain my healthy skin, and keep the natural aging at bay.  I also enjoy using the cleaning products.  They really work, and I like that they are good for our environment too.  It is my hope that others will also enjoy the great Shaklee benefits that I have experienced!

Thanks for letting me share, and warmest regards to all!
Terrie Brandon

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Marilyn's Story

"I feel better than I have felt in a long time!" 

Using Shaklee 180 products, Marilyn has:
1. Lost 25 pounds
2. Gone from a size 18 to a size 12
3. Lowered her cholesterol by 28 points
4. Lowered her triclycerides by 74 points!!


Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Ohhhhhhhh Becky, I can’t wait to tell you:  Two separate series of tests of my liver, thyroid, protein, and calcium levels prior to my Shaklee intake came out abnormal.  After following your advice re detoxing and target supplements EVERY test came out normal and I don’t have to see the doctor until next year’s annual physical!  This is absolutely answered prayer and Shaklee!  Thank you, with all my heart!

Feel free to use the above testimony wherever it will benefit you. 

Thank you again for your sincere caring, thoughtfulness, time, & help,

Grateful always,


Monday, February 18, 2013

Susan's Story

I am happy to share my story with you and how Shaklee has helped me through their commitment to the efficacy and purity of their products to give me side benefits (not side effects) that have increased my well being.   Becky has been my health coach over these past 8 yrs and has done a wonderful job in spite of the distance between us to provide guidance and encouragement since I joined Shaklee.

My health started declining when I went back to school while working full-time.  The stress of going to school and the demands of my job and trying to keep up with our growing family brought on high blood pressure, migraines and chronic sinus infections .  I’ve always taken vitamins but wondered if they were really helping.  While I was in school, I took a research class where I learned how important studies that were double-blind, peer reviewed were important when evaluating many different products.  So I decided to start my own research on vitamins.  My hope was that if I found a company that did this kind of research that I would use their products to see if it would give my body the necessary nutrients my body needed, and heal itself or at least minimize the medicine I needed to take.   They met the criteria I was looking for so now who to order from?  I had a friend in Virginia who I knew was a Shaklee member and she recommended that I talk to her distributor, Becky O’Brien.  I called Becky and told her who I was and who had recommended her and my story.  At this time I was having frequent Sinus infections and was so fatigued that getting home from work was very difficult because I was so tired.  I turned the radio on loud and sang and used the Air Conditioner to keep myself from falling asleep!  I was miserable.  When Becky heard my story, she said that I should start with Vitalizer and try it for a month and if I did not feel any difference, I could just take Vita Lea.  Because of my fatigue and infection she thought it best for me to take the Vitalizer.  So I did.  I noticed a difference in the first week but I was still to skeptic to admit it and thought, “let’s see what happens next week.”  Next week came and went and by the time it was the 4th week, I wasn’t turning on the radio or using the AC at all.  My energy level had returned!  That began my journey with Shaklee.
I have not had any sinus infections since that time.  My next health issues was my digestion system.  My digestion system was so messed up from taking so many antibiotics because of the frequent sinus infections.  Becky recommended the probiotic system and within 3 months, all my issues had disappeared.
A few years later, my Dr did an ultrasound on my heart and told me that I had 2 leaky heart values that we needed to keep an eye on.  My family history is full of heart disease and I lost my Mom and my grandmother at a young age because of heart disease.  This is one of the reasons why I’m so into nutrition.  I wondered if Shaklee had a product that could help with this and found that CoQHeart (CoQ10) might help with this so I decided to give it a try.  I took it for 3 months and then went back for another test.  A few days later my doctor left a message on my phone that the tests had proved that all my leaky heart valve issues had been resolved!
A couple of years later…..I entered the menopause phase of life.  (Isn’t getting old grand?!)  and had to combat the hot flashes and headaches, I took GLA and Omega Guard, Nutriferon and menopause balance.  This helped me sleep at night and got rid of the hot flashes for which I’m very thankful.  So I flew thru menopause with flying colors!
With menopause came arthritis too.  So I talked to my Dr about what natural remedy I could take that he could recommend.  The only one that he told me about was Omega 3’s.  I was already taking them but not enough.  He told me to take 2,000 mg of Omega which I did.  But he also said that I would not see a difference for 3 months.  But he didn’t know the quality of Shaklee and within a week, my pain was totally gone and has stayed gone!  Mind you I have those awful bumps in my hands and some in my feet so it had progressed quite a bit but with the Omega I am not taking Advil or anything else that would eventually cause me to have side effects.
To sum up my testimony, I continued to take products that would help with my heart, cholesterol and Vivix (a new product introduced a few yrs ago) has kept my good cholesterol high enough that my Dr is pleased to keep my off the statins for which I’m very very thankful.  Although I’m not very overweight, my genetic makeup is that my family history along with heart disease is high cholesterol.  So while the Vivix is keeping my good cholesterol high, the Dr wants me to take off 10 lbs.  So I’m looking forward to having another testimony to add when those pounds come off with the Shaklee 180 program :>)
I have complete trust in Shaklee and that is something to be thankful for because I don’t worry about the products that I take being toxic, or not being true to what is on their label.  I know by their testing before and after they give their ingredients to the manufacturer that I’m getting a quality product.  My investment in my health is not going to waste because I’m getting exactly what I’m paying for and my body is reaping the benefits .  I know there are times where we have to take the medicine but my first approach is to try a proven method that is natural and if it works, I’m all the better for it. It also helps to have a good health coach whose integrity and care for what’s best for the person is coming from the heart.  I give thanks to God for her and for guiding me to Shaklee in giving me the best health I can have as I live out my life in the time God has given me here on His planet.
Susan Van Wagner


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Amazing Exercise Recovery!


I play racquetball 3 mornings a week - we start at 6 AM. I oftentimes am playing with guys who are 30-35 years old. I turned 50 this past month and am still able to maintain my stamina and competitiveness with them......I attribute this to 3 things: 

1. I get plenty of sleep - nightly - minimum of 6.5 hours
2. I drink a ton of water daily - minimum of 68 ounces
3. I consume Shaklee's "Physique Recovery Shake" after playing - it helps me rejuvenate and strengthen my body so that I am ready to go again. 

Thank you for introducing our family to Shaklee's products! 
Mike Hoover

To order Physique, go to:

Friday, January 25, 2013

**Story that made my day!**

I had lunch with my good friend, Tammie McDonald Gates last Wednesday. She had a bad cold with congestion, so I brought her a few tablets of my Nutriferon product to help her. She took them. THAT SAME NIGHT, she felt immediately better! Thursday morning, she bought a bottle from me. Want to enhance your immunity against colds, flus, etc.? Let me help.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Shaklee Videos: Shaklee 180: You're Invited

Shaklee Videos: Shaklee 180: You're Invited

Check it out!  Do a 180 - Take Your Shape In a Whole New Direction in 2013!

Come On!  Let's "turn some heads around"!  : )

I lost 30 pounds PLUS got relief from Menieres Disease, IBS, High Blood Pressure and Stage III Kidney Disease!

I lost 30 pounds PLUS got relief from Menieres Disease, IBS, High Blood Pressure and Stage III Kidney Disease!

In 2008 I experienced a condition that was quite uncomfortable…my tongue started
to burn. To try to figure out the cause, I kept a diary of what I ate and that proved nothing helpful. Then I began to eliminate  medications one at a time. I was taking a diuretic for Menieres Disease to try to keep the fluids moving through my inner ear and stop the symptoms – dizziness and head noises (my primary problem was a roaring sound).  I removed my chemical diuretic and replaced it with Shaklee alfalfa in May, 2009.  The roaring sound ceased! … and I have not had any debilitating dizziness.  I still had positional dizziness from time to time….BUT  after 3 years even that went away. 

During this time, after taking alfalfa for a while, I noticed something else…the IBS symptoms that I had experienced for 30 years went away.  I almost completely stopped having episodes. And if I did experience an IBS episode (rare) I could point exactly to what caused it… the caffeine in Excedrin, which I occasionally had to take. 

In July, 2012 I began to have bladder pain and began eliminating foods that could cause the problem.  One thing that I found in my research was that it was important to improve the health of the gut and so I began taking Shaklee Optiflora probiotic on a daily basis.  Around this time I was also having  terrible headaches and the only thing that would take it away was Excedrin and began to take it daily.  I was hesitant to do it because of the IBS symptoms.  BUT I did not experience any symptoms!  The only thing that I was doing differently was the Optiflora.  I have not had a single IBS symptom since I began talking the Optiflora! 

The timing and the lasting effects of these supplements cannot be coincidence to the cessation of my symptoms.  I am so grateful for Shaklee and my wonderful consultant, who is a wealth of information and understanding when I present a new question to her. 

An added blessing…I was able to lose almost 30 pounds this year and I could stop taking the medication for high blood pressure!  When I stopped taking that my kidney function improved and Stage III Kidney Disease was removed from my diagnoses. 

Barbara Robinson

(The products that Barbara used can be ordered at: