Thursday, January 24, 2013

I lost 30 pounds PLUS got relief from Menieres Disease, IBS, High Blood Pressure and Stage III Kidney Disease!

I lost 30 pounds PLUS got relief from Menieres Disease, IBS, High Blood Pressure and Stage III Kidney Disease!

In 2008 I experienced a condition that was quite uncomfortable…my tongue started
to burn. To try to figure out the cause, I kept a diary of what I ate and that proved nothing helpful. Then I began to eliminate  medications one at a time. I was taking a diuretic for Menieres Disease to try to keep the fluids moving through my inner ear and stop the symptoms – dizziness and head noises (my primary problem was a roaring sound).  I removed my chemical diuretic and replaced it with Shaklee alfalfa in May, 2009.  The roaring sound ceased! … and I have not had any debilitating dizziness.  I still had positional dizziness from time to time….BUT  after 3 years even that went away. 

During this time, after taking alfalfa for a while, I noticed something else…the IBS symptoms that I had experienced for 30 years went away.  I almost completely stopped having episodes. And if I did experience an IBS episode (rare) I could point exactly to what caused it… the caffeine in Excedrin, which I occasionally had to take. 

In July, 2012 I began to have bladder pain and began eliminating foods that could cause the problem.  One thing that I found in my research was that it was important to improve the health of the gut and so I began taking Shaklee Optiflora probiotic on a daily basis.  Around this time I was also having  terrible headaches and the only thing that would take it away was Excedrin and began to take it daily.  I was hesitant to do it because of the IBS symptoms.  BUT I did not experience any symptoms!  The only thing that I was doing differently was the Optiflora.  I have not had a single IBS symptom since I began talking the Optiflora! 

The timing and the lasting effects of these supplements cannot be coincidence to the cessation of my symptoms.  I am so grateful for Shaklee and my wonderful consultant, who is a wealth of information and understanding when I present a new question to her. 

An added blessing…I was able to lose almost 30 pounds this year and I could stop taking the medication for high blood pressure!  When I stopped taking that my kidney function improved and Stage III Kidney Disease was removed from my diagnoses. 

Barbara Robinson

(The products that Barbara used can be ordered at:

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