Wednesday, March 27, 2013

PAIN RELIEF: Spinal Stenosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis in Hands-Neck-Shoulder-Back & Knees

1st a brief explanation of my condition: I have Spinal Stenosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis in my Hands-Neck-Shoulder-Back and Knees. 

I have had this condition for several years with no relief in sight. And as my condition worsened, I could no longer do everything I used to do, gardening for one and handyman services. 

So Carmella ran into me at the Senior Center and saw me with my Hand Braces and asked how I was feeling so I proceeded to tell her all of the above.
I started Vivix and Vitalizer for Men three weeks ago just before Christmas 2011.
Well after three weeks on Vitalizer and Vivix, all of my ailments are almost completely gone.  I noticed this about a week ago wondering why I had no Pain in my neck and the RA in my Hands is almost completely gone I can drive my Car with no pain in my Hand and do all the things not possible before.  

My Shoulders, Back,Neck, hands and knees are most completely Pain free. Vunderbar. 

I was able to make my Bed with NO Pain, I was able to Vacuum my Apartment with NO pain, I was able to shampoo my Rug (three rooms) NO Pain. I am feeling more alert with more energy to do things than I have in a long time.  

The next test is Walking, I used to walk ten miles every day for twenty years  now I am only able to walk two or three. I hope to get up to at leasy five miles daily.  I have always been very active and this will continue. 

God bless,

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