Sunday, February 3, 2013

Amazing Exercise Recovery!


I play racquetball 3 mornings a week - we start at 6 AM. I oftentimes am playing with guys who are 30-35 years old. I turned 50 this past month and am still able to maintain my stamina and competitiveness with them......I attribute this to 3 things: 

1. I get plenty of sleep - nightly - minimum of 6.5 hours
2. I drink a ton of water daily - minimum of 68 ounces
3. I consume Shaklee's "Physique Recovery Shake" after playing - it helps me rejuvenate and strengthen my body so that I am ready to go again. 

Thank you for introducing our family to Shaklee's products! 
Mike Hoover

To order Physique, go to:

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