Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Multiple Sclerosis story: "I don't know where I'd be without them!"

I have always been a very active, healthy person, but after 10 years of raising my 3 boys on my own and working a busy job in sales, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at the age of 50.  The diagnosis was devastating - all my future plans seemed to vanish overnight, my future was unknown.  There was no more planning, no more dreaming - all I could do was live day to day, and was completely consumed with fighting the disease and healing my body.  I had to inject myself daily with an MS drug therapy that felt like a shot of poison.  I walked every day.  I took up yoga.  I did reiki.  I ate only low-fat meats, fruits and vegetables.  I cut out all sugar, white flour and unhealthy fats.  And I consulted with Becky O'Brien, my Shaklee advisor.  She put me on the Vitalizer pack, The Energizing Soy Protein Drink Mix, large doses of Vitamins D3, B-Complex, and OmegaGuard fish oil.  I allowed myself to rest a lot and cut my hours back at work.  It is now almost 5 years later.  I am happy to say that I am virtually symptom free!  I stopped taking the MS daily injection over a year ago and I rely only on my Shaklee supplements, rest, exercise and good, healthy, clean foods.  I truly believe that my Shaklee supplements played a huge role in my recovery.  They provided the necessary nutrition that my body needed in order to heal.  I DON'T KNOW WHERE I'D BE WITHOUT THEM!  Kathy

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