Saturday, March 30, 2013

Acute Lyme's Disease

Personal Shaklee Testimony by Debbie Bankert 
For over a decade, Becky O’Brien of Optimal Wellness has been among my dearest and closest friends.  I have watched her minister to many people showing love, concern and knowledge that excels.  Not only is she a great diagnostician but a health specialist who is equally gifted in the knowledge of natural supplements. Becky researches symptoms and related illnesses aligning them with Shaklee supplements which aide the body’s natural healing process.
In June of 2012, I was diagnosed with Lyme’s Disease and Becky immediately went to work.  She researched what had been successful in documented cases; spoke with people who were infected with Lyme’s to determine their path of healing and recommended physicians who specialized in the treatment of Lyme’s.  Becky developed a personalized supplement schedule that would keep my body in the position to fight.  She introduced me to a Biblical Health Counselor who immediately recommended organic and natural foods to be included in my diet. 
I made an appointment with a doctor Becky recommended and was diagnosed with an acute case.  With a regimen of antibiotics and natural supplements, I made wonderful strides towards healing.  Most Lyme’s victims with acute cases can expect a 2 year recovery period or longer. Late in 2012, I showed signs of marked improvement. My doctor stated that whatever I was doing to continue it as she was amazed at my progress.
It is now March, 2013 and my doctor is in the process of weaning me off four antibiotics. With my continued path of healing, it has been over a month since I have felt any symptoms from Lyme’s. I am so very grateful to Becky. If she had not intervened, no doubt I would have been hospitalized as the majority of general practitioners are not extensively trained in Lyme’s and/or co-infections. My story would have been vastly different and I thank Becky for saving not only the quality of my life but possibly my life as well.
With the highest of recommendation, I support Becky and her business. Her ministry is of the highest regards and professionalism. Most of all, Becky has a great love for people and a desire to help with various health problems. Through her Shaklee business, Becky is living her God-given destiny.





Wednesday, March 27, 2013

PAIN RELIEF: Spinal Stenosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis in Hands-Neck-Shoulder-Back & Knees

1st a brief explanation of my condition: I have Spinal Stenosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis in my Hands-Neck-Shoulder-Back and Knees. 

I have had this condition for several years with no relief in sight. And as my condition worsened, I could no longer do everything I used to do, gardening for one and handyman services. 

So Carmella ran into me at the Senior Center and saw me with my Hand Braces and asked how I was feeling so I proceeded to tell her all of the above.
I started Vivix and Vitalizer for Men three weeks ago just before Christmas 2011.
Well after three weeks on Vitalizer and Vivix, all of my ailments are almost completely gone.  I noticed this about a week ago wondering why I had no Pain in my neck and the RA in my Hands is almost completely gone I can drive my Car with no pain in my Hand and do all the things not possible before.  

My Shoulders, Back,Neck, hands and knees are most completely Pain free. Vunderbar. 

I was able to make my Bed with NO Pain, I was able to Vacuum my Apartment with NO pain, I was able to shampoo my Rug (three rooms) NO Pain. I am feeling more alert with more energy to do things than I have in a long time.  

The next test is Walking, I used to walk ten miles every day for twenty years  now I am only able to walk two or three. I hope to get up to at leasy five miles daily.  I have always been very active and this will continue. 

God bless,

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Multiple Sclerosis story: "I don't know where I'd be without them!"

I have always been a very active, healthy person, but after 10 years of raising my 3 boys on my own and working a busy job in sales, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at the age of 50.  The diagnosis was devastating - all my future plans seemed to vanish overnight, my future was unknown.  There was no more planning, no more dreaming - all I could do was live day to day, and was completely consumed with fighting the disease and healing my body.  I had to inject myself daily with an MS drug therapy that felt like a shot of poison.  I walked every day.  I took up yoga.  I did reiki.  I ate only low-fat meats, fruits and vegetables.  I cut out all sugar, white flour and unhealthy fats.  And I consulted with Becky O'Brien, my Shaklee advisor.  She put me on the Vitalizer pack, The Energizing Soy Protein Drink Mix, large doses of Vitamins D3, B-Complex, and OmegaGuard fish oil.  I allowed myself to rest a lot and cut my hours back at work.  It is now almost 5 years later.  I am happy to say that I am virtually symptom free!  I stopped taking the MS daily injection over a year ago and I rely only on my Shaklee supplements, rest, exercise and good, healthy, clean foods.  I truly believe that my Shaklee supplements played a huge role in my recovery.  They provided the necessary nutrition that my body needed in order to heal.  I DON'T KNOW WHERE I'D BE WITHOUT THEM!  Kathy

Sunday, March 17, 2013

You name it! Low Energy, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Pre-Diabetes, Brittle Nails & Hair!!

It is my pleasure to disclose how Shaklee products have affected my health and home life.  I have been using Shaklee products for several years.  I have felt so much more energy throughout the day and, feeling better for me means I take better care of myself.  I have been able to stop taking blood pressure medication I took for more than ten years.  I feel Shaklee products have benefited me so much that I actually don't have to take ANY prescription medication at all!  Early on, my lab work a year ago showed improvement and I'm looking forward to even better results later this summer!  Shaklee has this domino effect on me!  My skin and nails have improved, and my hair is less dry and brittle.  I have used the safe Enfuselle face products and I believe that they have helped maintain my healthy skin, and keep the natural aging at bay.  I also enjoy using the cleaning products.  They really work, and I like that they are good for our environment too.  It is my hope that others will also enjoy the great Shaklee benefits that I have experienced!

Thanks for letting me share, and warmest regards to all!
Terrie Brandon

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Marilyn's Story

"I feel better than I have felt in a long time!" 

Using Shaklee 180 products, Marilyn has:
1. Lost 25 pounds
2. Gone from a size 18 to a size 12
3. Lowered her cholesterol by 28 points
4. Lowered her triclycerides by 74 points!!


Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Ohhhhhhhh Becky, I can’t wait to tell you:  Two separate series of tests of my liver, thyroid, protein, and calcium levels prior to my Shaklee intake came out abnormal.  After following your advice re detoxing and target supplements EVERY test came out normal and I don’t have to see the doctor until next year’s annual physical!  This is absolutely answered prayer and Shaklee!  Thank you, with all my heart!

Feel free to use the above testimony wherever it will benefit you. 

Thank you again for your sincere caring, thoughtfulness, time, & help,

Grateful always,
