Pain Relief! (A story from a satisfied client)
My daughter started her Shaklee business and, in support of her, I agreed to try some the products. I began with Vitalizer and Vivix. I was already taking an over-the-counter multi-vitamin so, when I started taking the Shaklee, I did not expect to notice any difference.
The first day, yes, I said the first day, I noticed that some pain I was having in my legs was not there. My thought was that it was a coincidence; it couldn't be the supplements. At the end of the first week of taking them, I noticed that the brown spots on my hands were lighter. Could it be? It had gotten to where I hated to look at my hands. Hands can really show your age. My nails were always thin and would break easily.
Now, after two months of taking the Vitalizer and Vivix, I find myself staring at my hands all the time! The age spots are almost completely gone and my nails are so stron and long! I file my nails often because they get too long for the work I do. How cool is that!
Oh, and the leg pain, for the most part, is gone! Once in a great while, I will feel a little where before it was constant pain. I expect it to go away forever. It is just a matter of time.
Last but not least, I was taking reflux meds daily. Since starting the supplements, in the last 2 months, I have taken maybe 3 or 4 pills, not because I felt sick, but out of "fear" that I would, because of past history. I will get over the fear because I truly believe that the probiotic capsule in the Vitalizer is the answer.
Thank you Shaklee for making such wonderful products.
Thank you, My Precious Daughter, for sharing Shaklee with me.
Fort Worth, Texas
October 30, 2011

Stories of health and wellness restored, written by clients of Becky O'Brien with Optimal Wellness, Independent Distributor with the Shaklee Corporation, who for 20 years has been helping to change the lives of thousands, one by one. Are you ready to be well? Contact me for a complementary wellness consult.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
Ya can't beat better health "Day and Night"!
Thanks to Diane for her wonderful testimony.
These are the stories that "make my day"! Is your story here?
"It's really very simple. I sleep better when I take Shaklee's Vitamin D! My work requires me to be inside most of the day and I frequently work late and don't get home until after dark. This means that I don't get enough sunshine and the natural Vitamin D from sunlight. Since I've started taking the Shaklee Vitamin D, I sleep much sounder at night and have more energy to get things done. I also appreciate Shaklee's high standards and excellent quality. It's a product you can trust." Diane
These are the stories that "make my day"! Is your story here?
"It's really very simple. I sleep better when I take Shaklee's Vitamin D! My work requires me to be inside most of the day and I frequently work late and don't get home until after dark. This means that I don't get enough sunshine and the natural Vitamin D from sunlight. Since I've started taking the Shaklee Vitamin D, I sleep much sounder at night and have more energy to get things done. I also appreciate Shaklee's high standards and excellent quality. It's a product you can trust." Diane
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Meanwhile . . . Back to My Story
Well . . . I got as far as posting Step Two of the Seven Keys to Wellness. Yes, I will get back to those steps.
But I want to take a moment to pause and write about what is near and dear to my heart and what truly "makes my day" and that's STORIES!!
On any given day, I have the awesome privilege of hearing my own clients' stories of HEALTH AND WELLNESS RESTORED! That's what I'm all about - restoring Health and Wellness for others and building a team of others who do the same. (I discovered that I can't "change the world" by myself!)
It all began with my own story that started 16 years ago.
I "had it all" it seems! Migraine headaches, Chest Pains, Heart Palpitations, Joint Pain, Muscle Cramps, Depression, Fatigue, PMS, Dizziness, Foggy Thinking. Other than that, I was "just fine"! Ha! I had learned to "live" with all this. NOT GOOD.
My own search for Optimal Wellness led me to a great company dedicated to Creating Healthier Lives for over 50 years. (Almost as "old" as me. LOL)
They say "a picture says 1000 words". How about a video?
Here's my story:
Watch for more posts of lives changed: Health and Wellness Restored. What is YOUR story?
But I want to take a moment to pause and write about what is near and dear to my heart and what truly "makes my day" and that's STORIES!!
On any given day, I have the awesome privilege of hearing my own clients' stories of HEALTH AND WELLNESS RESTORED! That's what I'm all about - restoring Health and Wellness for others and building a team of others who do the same. (I discovered that I can't "change the world" by myself!)
It all began with my own story that started 16 years ago.
I "had it all" it seems! Migraine headaches, Chest Pains, Heart Palpitations, Joint Pain, Muscle Cramps, Depression, Fatigue, PMS, Dizziness, Foggy Thinking. Other than that, I was "just fine"! Ha! I had learned to "live" with all this. NOT GOOD.
My own search for Optimal Wellness led me to a great company dedicated to Creating Healthier Lives for over 50 years. (Almost as "old" as me. LOL)
They say "a picture says 1000 words". How about a video?
Here's my story:
Watch for more posts of lives changed: Health and Wellness Restored. What is YOUR story?
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Key #2: Supplement Your Diet With Nutritionals
This is where my particular expertise comes in. I hold a HUGE KEY in my hand with regards to helping hundreds of people choose the right supplements.
For 16 years, I have been recommending supplements made by the Shaklee Corporation. It all began with my own health story you can read about in my profile. I now own my own business called Optimal Wellness and I offer a complementary wellness consult to help people choose the right supplements.
Shaklee Wellness products meet all seven of the criteria listed below:
1. Take a multi-vitamin/multi-mineral that meets certain criteria for safety and effectiveness. (Shaklee Vita-Lea and Shaklee Vitalizer)
2. Take an Omega-3 supplement (helps to prevent bone deterioration in adults, improves cardiovascular and immune system function, reduces inflammation, improves brain health, contributes to long life) (Shaklee OmegaGuard)
3. Take a probiotic: Living direct-fed microbials that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract. Crowds out harmful bacteria, viruses and yeasts. (Shaklee Optiflora system)
4. Take digestive enzymes to aid the digestive process, breaking down protein, fats and carbohydrates into easily absorbed components. (EZ-Gest)
5. Take fiber supplements. It's important to keep the intestinal tract cleansed. As the gut goes, so goes the body - the immune system, heart, lungs, blood supply, brain and nervous system. Health begins in the gut. (Shaklee Fiber Plan)
6. Take antioxidants. More than 90 percent of the U.S. population fails to eat the recommended 3-5 servings of vegetables each day. (Shaklee Carotomax and Flavomax)
7. Take a protein supplement. Protein has a fat-burning effect on the body, reduces hunger, and helps to preserve muscles as those pounds drop off. Proteins are the "Legos" - the essential building blocks - of the body. All proteins are combinations of twenty-two amino acids, which build body organs, muscles and nerves. Proteins are required for the structure, function, and regulation of the body's cells, tissues and organs; and each protein has unique functions. Examples are hormones, enzymes and antibodies. Eight of the essential amino acids cannot be produced by the body; they need to come from the diet. Animal protein and soybeans are the only complete protein sources providing them. (Shaklee Cinch and Shaklee Energizing Soy Protein Drink Mix)
For 16 years, I have been recommending supplements made by the Shaklee Corporation. It all began with my own health story you can read about in my profile. I now own my own business called Optimal Wellness and I offer a complementary wellness consult to help people choose the right supplements.
Shaklee Wellness products meet all seven of the criteria listed below:
1. Take a multi-vitamin/multi-mineral that meets certain criteria for safety and effectiveness. (Shaklee Vita-Lea and Shaklee Vitalizer)
2. Take an Omega-3 supplement (helps to prevent bone deterioration in adults, improves cardiovascular and immune system function, reduces inflammation, improves brain health, contributes to long life) (Shaklee OmegaGuard)
3. Take a probiotic: Living direct-fed microbials that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract. Crowds out harmful bacteria, viruses and yeasts. (Shaklee Optiflora system)
4. Take digestive enzymes to aid the digestive process, breaking down protein, fats and carbohydrates into easily absorbed components. (EZ-Gest)
5. Take fiber supplements. It's important to keep the intestinal tract cleansed. As the gut goes, so goes the body - the immune system, heart, lungs, blood supply, brain and nervous system. Health begins in the gut. (Shaklee Fiber Plan)
6. Take antioxidants. More than 90 percent of the U.S. population fails to eat the recommended 3-5 servings of vegetables each day. (Shaklee Carotomax and Flavomax)
7. Take a protein supplement. Protein has a fat-burning effect on the body, reduces hunger, and helps to preserve muscles as those pounds drop off. Proteins are the "Legos" - the essential building blocks - of the body. All proteins are combinations of twenty-two amino acids, which build body organs, muscles and nerves. Proteins are required for the structure, function, and regulation of the body's cells, tissues and organs; and each protein has unique functions. Examples are hormones, enzymes and antibodies. Eight of the essential amino acids cannot be produced by the body; they need to come from the diet. Animal protein and soybeans are the only complete protein sources providing them. (Shaklee Cinch and Shaklee Energizing Soy Protein Drink Mix)
Monday, February 21, 2011
NOW the Good Stuff!
Okay, so now that we know some of what NOT to eat, let's talk about what TO eat. I promise we will get to Key #2 soon (it's actually one of my favorites). But this entry is too important to gloss over.
But, before I go any further, check out for information about a great group of women, committed to reaching their goals of Optimal Wellness.
On Tues., March 15, Alena Sugar, a nutritionist, will share from the perspective and philosophy from the Weston A. Price Foundation.
We will gather at the Eggspecations in Chantilly, VA at 7:00 PM.
"The Top Healing Foods" (Actually there are 12, but we will start with the first 6 here.)
You are what you eat:
1. Fish and Fish Oil: Eat cold-water fish that have eaten marine life, not feedlot fish from farms eating salmon chow.
2. Cultured Dairy Products from Goats, Cows and Sheep: The dairy products should be from grass-fed cows and non-homogenized. Goat's milk is less allergenic; it contains higher amounts of medium-chained fatty acids, and contains 7 percent less lactose than cow's milk. 2 percent or skim milk is not recommended as removing the fat makes the milk less nutritious and less digestible and can cause allergies.
3. Olive Oil: High in monounsaturaded fatty acids and antioxidants, protects us from heart disease by controlling LDL cholesterol while raising HDL cholesterol levels. Contains flavonoids and polyphenols - antioxidants which help prevent cell damage from ocygen-containing chemicals called free radicals. Use high-qualify extra-virgin olive oil in cooking.
4. Small Fruits such as Figs, Grapes and Berries: Adds potassium to diet, plus fiver and antioxidants.
5. Soups and Salads: Especially beneficial to people with intestinal disease because they are high in nutrients that the gastrointestinal tract can easily absorb.
6. Healthy Saturated Fats: Use extra-virgin coconut oil for cooking or baking in a pan. Helps to balance the thyroid and improve metabolic function. Whole milk butter made from cattle grazing is loaded with vitamins A, D, and E.
# 7 - 12 Top Healing Foods covered in next entry - Stay Tuned!!
Happy, Healthy Eating!
But, before I go any further, check out for information about a great group of women, committed to reaching their goals of Optimal Wellness.
On Tues., March 15, Alena Sugar, a nutritionist, will share from the perspective and philosophy from the Weston A. Price Foundation.
We will gather at the Eggspecations in Chantilly, VA at 7:00 PM.
"The Top Healing Foods" (Actually there are 12, but we will start with the first 6 here.)
You are what you eat:
1. Fish and Fish Oil: Eat cold-water fish that have eaten marine life, not feedlot fish from farms eating salmon chow.
2. Cultured Dairy Products from Goats, Cows and Sheep: The dairy products should be from grass-fed cows and non-homogenized. Goat's milk is less allergenic; it contains higher amounts of medium-chained fatty acids, and contains 7 percent less lactose than cow's milk. 2 percent or skim milk is not recommended as removing the fat makes the milk less nutritious and less digestible and can cause allergies.
3. Olive Oil: High in monounsaturaded fatty acids and antioxidants, protects us from heart disease by controlling LDL cholesterol while raising HDL cholesterol levels. Contains flavonoids and polyphenols - antioxidants which help prevent cell damage from ocygen-containing chemicals called free radicals. Use high-qualify extra-virgin olive oil in cooking.
4. Small Fruits such as Figs, Grapes and Berries: Adds potassium to diet, plus fiver and antioxidants.
5. Soups and Salads: Especially beneficial to people with intestinal disease because they are high in nutrients that the gastrointestinal tract can easily absorb.
6. Healthy Saturated Fats: Use extra-virgin coconut oil for cooking or baking in a pan. Helps to balance the thyroid and improve metabolic function. Whole milk butter made from cattle grazing is loaded with vitamins A, D, and E.
# 7 - 12 Top Healing Foods covered in next entry - Stay Tuned!!
Happy, Healthy Eating!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
What NOT To Eat!
Before I introduce Key #2 for Healthier Living to you, I need to elaborate further about Key #1: Eat to Live.
So often in life, learning what NOT to do is equally as important as what to do.
Hence, The Dirty Dozen, listed below.
By making the decision today to avoid these "foods", you will be well on your way to Better Health & Wellness.
1. Pork products
2. Shellfish and fish without fins and scales (catfish, shark, eel)
3. Hydrogenated oils (margarine, shortening, etc.)
4. Artificial sweeteners (aspartame, saccharine, sucralose)
5. White flour
6. White sugar
7. Soft drinks
8. Pasteurized, homogenized milk
9. High fructose corn syrup
10. Imitation meat products (like hydrolyzed soy burgers)
11. Artificial flavors and colors
12. Excessive alcohol
Pigs have a simple stomach arrangement; whatever a pig eats goes down the hatch, straight into the stomach and out the back door in four hours max. They eat anything, including carcasses and body parts of other pigs.
Animals that chew the cud (cows, goats, sheep, oxen, deer, buffalo and other wild game) have three or four stomachs, to wash and rinse their vegetarian diet. It takes 24 hours for the food they eat to digest.
Lobsters, crabs, shrimp and catfish are bottom-feeders. They sustain themselves on fish droppings. Whatever they consume goes straight into their system, which explains why scientists measure pollution in the water by checking the flesh of crabs, clams and lobsters for their toxin levels. Eating them fouls the body and may lead to increases in heart disease and cancer by introducing toxins into the bloodstream.
So, there you have it! That's one food closet you want to lock and then throw away the key!
Stay tuned for next time: The Top Healing Foods.
(Thank you to The Great Physician's Rx for Health and Wellness.)
So often in life, learning what NOT to do is equally as important as what to do.
Hence, The Dirty Dozen, listed below.
By making the decision today to avoid these "foods", you will be well on your way to Better Health & Wellness.
1. Pork products
2. Shellfish and fish without fins and scales (catfish, shark, eel)
3. Hydrogenated oils (margarine, shortening, etc.)
4. Artificial sweeteners (aspartame, saccharine, sucralose)
5. White flour
6. White sugar
7. Soft drinks
8. Pasteurized, homogenized milk
9. High fructose corn syrup
10. Imitation meat products (like hydrolyzed soy burgers)
11. Artificial flavors and colors
12. Excessive alcohol
Pigs have a simple stomach arrangement; whatever a pig eats goes down the hatch, straight into the stomach and out the back door in four hours max. They eat anything, including carcasses and body parts of other pigs.
Animals that chew the cud (cows, goats, sheep, oxen, deer, buffalo and other wild game) have three or four stomachs, to wash and rinse their vegetarian diet. It takes 24 hours for the food they eat to digest.
Lobsters, crabs, shrimp and catfish are bottom-feeders. They sustain themselves on fish droppings. Whatever they consume goes straight into their system, which explains why scientists measure pollution in the water by checking the flesh of crabs, clams and lobsters for their toxin levels. Eating them fouls the body and may lead to increases in heart disease and cancer by introducing toxins into the bloodstream.
So, there you have it! That's one food closet you want to lock and then throw away the key!
Stay tuned for next time: The Top Healing Foods.
(Thank you to The Great Physician's Rx for Health and Wellness.)
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Let's Start With Food
With "Key #1" in hand, we open up the first door to Health & Wellness:
Eat to Live
We all have to eat. Most people love to eat.
The question is, "Are you eating to live, or are you living to eat?"
Which begs another question, "Is it possible that what you are eating could be killing you?"
Key #1: Eat to Live
- Eat food that was created to be food!
- Eat food in a form that is healthy for the body, close to the natural source, not man-made. Our bodies are then nourished and able to perform at optimal levels. The more convenient "foods" are less healthy and farther away from God's design for living.
- Eat foods that are produced sustainably (organically grown or raised) - a system of farming that maintains and replenishes soil fertility without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and fertilizers.
- Eat the right combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
- Eat 25-30 grams of fiber daily.
- Eat the Top Healing Foods - foods that promote life. (Watch future blog for list.)
- Avoid the "Dirty Dozen" - foods that take away life. (Watch future blog for list.)
- Chew each mouthful of food 25 to 50 times.
- Drink 6 to 8 glasses of pure water daily. Drink 8 ounces whenever you feel hungry.
- Drink 1 to 3 cups of hot tea blends each day to provide antioxidant protection and maintain a healthy weight. (Ask me about the special tea I drink every day - I'm addicted!)
- Consume at least one snack per day (protein bar or smoothie). I can recommend one that is not highly processed, and not made from genetically modified plants, and has no artificial flavors, additives or sweeteners added.
- Partially fast one day per week.
(Thank you to The Great Physcian's Rx for Health and Wellness).
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Turn a New Key
Happy New Year!
I love keys. Keys open things. Things that could lead to endless possibilities. Who can resist turning a key into a lock of an unknown treasure? Whether it be a trunk, or a jewelry case, or a diary, or a huge iron gate, our curiousity almost always gets the best of us, and we say, "I wonder what is in here. If I just turn this key, Iwill find out!"
And therein lies the "key" - wonder! Wonder is what leads us to take chances, if you will, risks we take, with the hopeful possibility that we will discover something wonderful when we simply turn the key.
2011. Could it possibly be a year of wonders for you? With the right keys to open the right treasures, could you discover something new and exciting for yourself?
How about your health? Is your health exciting to you? Interesting question, huh? I just jumped from intrique and adventure to a topic as "boring" as your health!
Hmmmm . . . . let's pause and think here. Pose another question. "If you don't have your health, what DO you have?" Could there possibly be keys to be used first to open the doors of Health and Wellness to you? Do those doors need to open up to you first, before you can enter into other doors of wonder and possibility? A more purposeful life?
Such is my own personal story. (You can read about in previous posts here. I also have a video posted.)
What I care about right now is YOU.
For the next seven weeks, I will be posting a Key for YOU. Seven Keys that could make all the difference in a new life for you. I pray it will. Enjoy!
Seven Keys for Health & Wellness
Reach your full potential!
What is Health? The presence of Vibrancy (not just the absence of disease)
- Body: Overcoming health issues, sleeping & resting better, increasing your overall level of health, regaining lost energy, losing weight (if needed).
- Mind: Rethinking your ideas of health & wellness, reducing stress & worry, creating patterns of health for a lifetime.
- Spirit: Finding God's purpose for your life, taking spiritual responsibility for your physical health.
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