Saturday, February 5, 2011

What NOT To Eat!

Before I introduce Key #2 for Healthier Living to you, I need to elaborate further about Key #1: Eat to Live.

So often in life, learning what NOT to do is equally as important as what to do.
Hence, The Dirty Dozen, listed below.

By making the decision today to avoid these "foods", you will be well on your way to Better Health & Wellness.

1. Pork products
2. Shellfish and fish without fins and scales (catfish, shark, eel)
3. Hydrogenated oils (margarine, shortening, etc.)
4. Artificial sweeteners (aspartame, saccharine, sucralose)
5. White flour
6. White sugar
7. Soft drinks
8. Pasteurized, homogenized milk
9. High fructose corn syrup
10. Imitation meat products (like hydrolyzed soy burgers)
11. Artificial flavors and colors
12. Excessive alcohol

Pigs have a simple stomach arrangement; whatever a pig eats goes down the hatch, straight into the stomach and out the back door in four hours max. They eat anything, including carcasses and body parts of other pigs.

Animals that chew the cud (cows, goats, sheep, oxen, deer, buffalo and other wild game) have three or four stomachs, to wash and rinse their vegetarian diet. It takes 24 hours for the food they eat to digest.

Lobsters, crabs, shrimp and catfish are bottom-feeders. They sustain themselves on fish droppings. Whatever they consume goes straight into their system, which explains why scientists measure pollution in the water by checking the flesh of crabs, clams and lobsters for their toxin levels. Eating them fouls the body and may lead to increases in heart disease and cancer by introducing toxins into the bloodstream.

So, there you have it! That's one food closet you want to lock and then throw away the key!

Stay tuned for next time: The Top Healing Foods.

(Thank you to The Great Physician's Rx for Health and Wellness.)

1 comment:

  1. Wow Becky! You just listed my normal menu! Well, not all of it, but some of my favorites.
    The pork suprised me. I actually thought it was better than red meat.
