My business team leader kept talking about making something called a "Vision Board". I had never heard of such a thing and it sounded strange to me. "You say you want me to sit down and cut pictures and words out of magazines that depict my life's VISION (?!) and then glue them on a piece of poster board? Why?" Like I said, it made no sense to me.
Back then, if someone would have asked me what my vision is, I would have said, "With or without my contact lenses?" Hah! That was how limited my vision was. For my life.
So, veerryy reluctantly, I agreed to go to a meeting where we were all going to make these Vision Boards. I figured I'd go and "get it over with". And then get back to doing what I was "supposed to be doing".
So I gathered all my "stuff", sat down and started flipping non-enthusiastically through the magazine pages. How in the world was I supposed to know which words and pictures to choose? Finally, I just figured I would pick out some things I sort of liked and put them on there. And then . . . as soon as I began to simply start looking, something happened. Simply by getting started, even though I didn't understand it all, I had unwittingly "positioned" myself for something I didn't even expect.
I'm a praying person, and suddenly I found myself spontaneously saying a prayer, asking God to help me pick out what HE liked. And that changed EVERYTHING! To my surprised delight, He liked a LOT of the words and pictures in the magazines and showed me which ones to cut out. My scissors were flying! Before I knew it, I had a nice stack of some pretty inspiring things! So, I started positioning and gluing them on my piece of poster board. Something inside me felt different. As I read the words and gazed at the pictures, a desire within me began to grow; a desire to SEE these images and words come to pass in my life. Suddenly it dawned on me what vision is! A Vision is a picture of the future you want to create. We have a God-given ability to conceive something in our mind or heart, which then awakens the creativity and innovation He placed in each of us. Like Him we envision, and then we create the vision.
So then I was sold on this truth about vision. Vision Boards simply ENHANCE this process. They are not an end in themselves, but a means.
Which brings me now to the Key picture here. This is Key Picture #1 in a series of pictures I will post about Keys.
Very clearly, I knew I needed to glue this picture right in the center of my Vision Board. Even though, back then, I didn't understand it's meaning, something deep within me knew it was at the core of my vision.
So what is it? It's a man picking up an ancient key that is discovered because there is light shining down from a lighthouse revealing it's location. The man's purpose was simply to . . . pick it up.
And so I did. I picked it up. The next nineteen years of my life then became an evolution of understanding what I had picked up and why.
Still with me? Thank you! My goal is to inspire you.
Inspire you to what? To pick up YOUR key.
So what is your first step? Desire. Desire to create YOUR vision. You will then have YOUR key that unlocks. And there's so much more!
So Key #1: Desire to pick up the key that unlocks your vision.
More "keys" to come. Stay tuned!
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