Monday, February 18, 2013

Susan's Story

I am happy to share my story with you and how Shaklee has helped me through their commitment to the efficacy and purity of their products to give me side benefits (not side effects) that have increased my well being.   Becky has been my health coach over these past 8 yrs and has done a wonderful job in spite of the distance between us to provide guidance and encouragement since I joined Shaklee.

My health started declining when I went back to school while working full-time.  The stress of going to school and the demands of my job and trying to keep up with our growing family brought on high blood pressure, migraines and chronic sinus infections .  I’ve always taken vitamins but wondered if they were really helping.  While I was in school, I took a research class where I learned how important studies that were double-blind, peer reviewed were important when evaluating many different products.  So I decided to start my own research on vitamins.  My hope was that if I found a company that did this kind of research that I would use their products to see if it would give my body the necessary nutrients my body needed, and heal itself or at least minimize the medicine I needed to take.   They met the criteria I was looking for so now who to order from?  I had a friend in Virginia who I knew was a Shaklee member and she recommended that I talk to her distributor, Becky O’Brien.  I called Becky and told her who I was and who had recommended her and my story.  At this time I was having frequent Sinus infections and was so fatigued that getting home from work was very difficult because I was so tired.  I turned the radio on loud and sang and used the Air Conditioner to keep myself from falling asleep!  I was miserable.  When Becky heard my story, she said that I should start with Vitalizer and try it for a month and if I did not feel any difference, I could just take Vita Lea.  Because of my fatigue and infection she thought it best for me to take the Vitalizer.  So I did.  I noticed a difference in the first week but I was still to skeptic to admit it and thought, “let’s see what happens next week.”  Next week came and went and by the time it was the 4th week, I wasn’t turning on the radio or using the AC at all.  My energy level had returned!  That began my journey with Shaklee.
I have not had any sinus infections since that time.  My next health issues was my digestion system.  My digestion system was so messed up from taking so many antibiotics because of the frequent sinus infections.  Becky recommended the probiotic system and within 3 months, all my issues had disappeared.
A few years later, my Dr did an ultrasound on my heart and told me that I had 2 leaky heart values that we needed to keep an eye on.  My family history is full of heart disease and I lost my Mom and my grandmother at a young age because of heart disease.  This is one of the reasons why I’m so into nutrition.  I wondered if Shaklee had a product that could help with this and found that CoQHeart (CoQ10) might help with this so I decided to give it a try.  I took it for 3 months and then went back for another test.  A few days later my doctor left a message on my phone that the tests had proved that all my leaky heart valve issues had been resolved!
A couple of years later…..I entered the menopause phase of life.  (Isn’t getting old grand?!)  and had to combat the hot flashes and headaches, I took GLA and Omega Guard, Nutriferon and menopause balance.  This helped me sleep at night and got rid of the hot flashes for which I’m very thankful.  So I flew thru menopause with flying colors!
With menopause came arthritis too.  So I talked to my Dr about what natural remedy I could take that he could recommend.  The only one that he told me about was Omega 3’s.  I was already taking them but not enough.  He told me to take 2,000 mg of Omega which I did.  But he also said that I would not see a difference for 3 months.  But he didn’t know the quality of Shaklee and within a week, my pain was totally gone and has stayed gone!  Mind you I have those awful bumps in my hands and some in my feet so it had progressed quite a bit but with the Omega I am not taking Advil or anything else that would eventually cause me to have side effects.
To sum up my testimony, I continued to take products that would help with my heart, cholesterol and Vivix (a new product introduced a few yrs ago) has kept my good cholesterol high enough that my Dr is pleased to keep my off the statins for which I’m very very thankful.  Although I’m not very overweight, my genetic makeup is that my family history along with heart disease is high cholesterol.  So while the Vivix is keeping my good cholesterol high, the Dr wants me to take off 10 lbs.  So I’m looking forward to having another testimony to add when those pounds come off with the Shaklee 180 program :>)
I have complete trust in Shaklee and that is something to be thankful for because I don’t worry about the products that I take being toxic, or not being true to what is on their label.  I know by their testing before and after they give their ingredients to the manufacturer that I’m getting a quality product.  My investment in my health is not going to waste because I’m getting exactly what I’m paying for and my body is reaping the benefits .  I know there are times where we have to take the medicine but my first approach is to try a proven method that is natural and if it works, I’m all the better for it. It also helps to have a good health coach whose integrity and care for what’s best for the person is coming from the heart.  I give thanks to God for her and for guiding me to Shaklee in giving me the best health I can have as I live out my life in the time God has given me here on His planet.
Susan Van Wagner


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Amazing Exercise Recovery!


I play racquetball 3 mornings a week - we start at 6 AM. I oftentimes am playing with guys who are 30-35 years old. I turned 50 this past month and am still able to maintain my stamina and competitiveness with them......I attribute this to 3 things: 

1. I get plenty of sleep - nightly - minimum of 6.5 hours
2. I drink a ton of water daily - minimum of 68 ounces
3. I consume Shaklee's "Physique Recovery Shake" after playing - it helps me rejuvenate and strengthen my body so that I am ready to go again. 

Thank you for introducing our family to Shaklee's products! 
Mike Hoover

To order Physique, go to: