Here’s the story about my Dad.
Back in the summer of 1999 my Dad was admitted to the hospital with congestive heart failure. Dad was 75 years old at the time. His cardiologist called the family together and asked us to meet him in one of the consultation rooms at the hospital. When everyone was together, the doctor informed our family that the rheumatic fever Dad had when he was in his early teens had pe...rmanently damaged his heart and that with the congestive heart failure, his heart was functioning at about 15 percent of its capacity. The picture he painted for us was pretty bleak. He told us that Dad’s heart would eventually kill him and that he had about 3 months left to live.
Back in the summer of 1999 my Dad was admitted to the hospital with congestive heart failure. Dad was 75 years old at the time. His cardiologist called the family together and asked us to meet him in one of the consultation rooms at the hospital. When everyone was together, the doctor informed our family that the rheumatic fever Dad had when he was in his early teens had pe...rmanently damaged his heart and that with the congestive heart failure, his heart was functioning at about 15 percent of its capacity. The picture he painted for us was pretty bleak. He told us that Dad’s heart would eventually kill him and that he had about 3 months left to live.
There are a few details about this situation that need to be mentioned. First of all, when the doctor told Dad that his heart was functioning at 15 percent, Dad thought he said 50 percent. He didn’t think that was too bad, he had at least a 50/50 chance. Secondly, Dad was an engineer for 41 years. He did everything in his life exact within a thousandth of an inch. He was used to figuring out what the worst possible scenario would be, and then prepare for every possible eventuality. So when his doctor gave him instructions of what he needed to do, Dad followed them to the letter. Well, almost all of them. The one thing he would not do, that the doctor told him to do, was he would not stop taking his Shaklee vitamins.
Well, it turns out that the doctor was wrong. Dad did not live for another 3 months. Dad lived for another 12 wonderful years. The doctor was also wrong about what would be the cause of Dad’s death. His heart did not kill him. The medications he was taking for his heart eventually caused his kidneys to shut down, that’s what ended up taking his life.
The truth is, the Shaklee vitamins helped extend his life by 12 years. The medications the doctor prescribed eventually killed him.
Rick Vaeth
Well, it turns out that the doctor was wrong. Dad did not live for another 3 months. Dad lived for another 12 wonderful years. The doctor was also wrong about what would be the cause of Dad’s death. His heart did not kill him. The medications he was taking for his heart eventually caused his kidneys to shut down, that’s what ended up taking his life.
The truth is, the Shaklee vitamins helped extend his life by 12 years. The medications the doctor prescribed eventually killed him.
Rick Vaeth