Mary's Story
I’ve had allergies all my life! I’ve lived in a number of different places and no matter where I lived I had the typical allergy symptomsl… itchy eyes… nose that constantly dripped… congestion that caused too many headaches… difficulty sleeping because I couldn’t breathe… no enjoyment of the outdoors… etc. In other words, I was miserable, miserable, miserable!
I eventually found an allergy specialist who recommended allergy shots… one shot a week for two years. They did absolutely nothing for me other than make my arm itch. Have you ever thought of a possible overdose? Neither had I, but I received a dose that was many times more potent than intended. Talk about having difficulty breathing! A visit overnight in the hospital was not what I envisioned for my allergy relief. No more shots for me. No thanks. Not interested.
Prescription drugs and OTC (Over The Counter) medications became my allergy program…spring… fall… year round. Many allergy sufferers can’t sleep at night because of closed air passages and that was certainly true for me. Most nights I used drugs to help me breath. All the drugs claim to give allergy relief, but I found I had very limited success. Even while on drugs, I had allergy symptoms.
And then there was Shaklee. In 1999 my sister introduced me to Shaklee. She had recently started using some of the products and told me about them. What interested me the most, though, was alfalfa. When she told me that alfalfa helps with allergies I jumped at the chance to try it! After a couple of months I got off all medication and relied totally on alfalfa. I’ve never looked back!
In 2005 I began using NutriFeron for a completely different health issue, but what I’ve found is that NutriFeron along with Alfalfa has really boosted my immune system. I don’t even realize when it’s allergy season anymore!
Then and now. What a difference! I suffered many years thinking this was just my lot in life. Then I found a solution that really worked. Not just some of the time, but all of the time! Itchy eyes, runny and congested nose… all gone. Nasal passages open at night… breathing good! Picnics? You bet.
And I’m smelling the flowers! I have a life without allergies.
Mary Cook