Pain Relief! (A story from a satisfied client)
My daughter started her Shaklee business and, in support of her, I agreed to try some the products. I began with Vitalizer and Vivix. I was already taking an over-the-counter multi-vitamin so, when I started taking the Shaklee, I did not expect to notice any difference.
The first day, yes, I said the first day, I noticed that some pain I was having in my legs was not there. My thought was that it was a coincidence; it couldn't be the supplements. At the end of the first week of taking them, I noticed that the brown spots on my hands were lighter. Could it be? It had gotten to where I hated to look at my hands. Hands can really show your age. My nails were always thin and would break easily.
Now, after two months of taking the Vitalizer and Vivix, I find myself staring at my hands all the time! The age spots are almost completely gone and my nails are so stron and long! I file my nails often because they get too long for the work I do. How cool is that!
Oh, and the leg pain, for the most part, is gone! Once in a great while, I will feel a little where before it was constant pain. I expect it to go away forever. It is just a matter of time.
Last but not least, I was taking reflux meds daily. Since starting the supplements, in the last 2 months, I have taken maybe 3 or 4 pills, not because I felt sick, but out of "fear" that I would, because of past history. I will get over the fear because I truly believe that the probiotic capsule in the Vitalizer is the answer.
Thank you Shaklee for making such wonderful products.
Thank you, My Precious Daughter, for sharing Shaklee with me.
Fort Worth, Texas
October 30, 2011